Level 6
Network Security Sam has encrypted his password. The encryption system is publically available and can be accessed with this form:
You have recovered his encrypted password. It is:
Decrypt the password and enter it below to advance to the next level.
We have an encryption field so let’s try it to see what is the encryption algorithm, I entered 11 and the encryption algorithms gave me 12

So i tried to encrypt 12345 and the encrypted string was 13579

so by analyzing this, I got that
the first will be as it is
the second will be incremented by 1
the third will be incremented by 2
the fourth will be incremented by 3 and so on
I entered abcd to proof my finding and I guessed the encrypted string is going to be aceg. The good news is that I proofed my finding as my guess and result matched!

The question gave us the encrypted string which is 6:6388?= the ASCII of this is 054 058 054 051 056 056 063 061
so I have to reverse my findings to get the password using ASCII codes
the first will be as it is so 6 (054)
the second will be decremented by 1 so : will be (057)
the third will be decremented by 2 so 6 will be 4 (052)
the fourth will be decremented by 3 so 3 will be (048)
8 will be decremented by 4 so (052)
8 will be decremented by 5 so (051)
? will be decremented by 6 so (057)
= will be decremented by 7 so (054)
so just converting these numbers 054 057 052 048 052 051 057 054 by using the below ASCII table or an online converter will give you the password